Title 1 Information


Lamar Elementary is a Title I School. To find out more about the Title I, Part A Program, click on the US Department of Education website below:

Title I Information

Title 1 Resources:

Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Parent & Family Engagement Policy Spanish

Annual Title 1 Meeting, English 

Annual Title 1 Meeting, Spanish

Lamar Elementary 2023 - 2024 Campus Improvement Plan 

The district goals this plan is designed to meet are:

Goal 1: Student Engagement - SAISD will develop district and campus support structures that positively impact student engagement and outcomes for all students.
Goal 2: Culture & Communication - SAISD will cultivate trusting partnerships to support the hopes and dreams of our students and staff.
Goal 3: Innovative Learning Spaces - SAISD will provide efficient, safe, and innovative learning spaces that promote student achievement.